Tuesday, March 11, 2025

international expert forum

New ESC guidelines for the diagnosis
and treatment of patients with heart failure

wrocław • 31 august 2021 • 14:00-16:00 [CET]
hybrid meeting

Dear friends and colleagues

On 27 August 2021, during the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, the new European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart failure (2021) will be announced and simultaneously published in the European Heart Journal and the European Journal of Heart Failure. This is one of the key expert documents in the field of cardiology, which has a tremendous impact on clinical practice in the area of heart failure care globally. It is a document that contains the guidelines based on scientific evidence concerning the diagnosis of heart failure and the use of established forms of comprehensive therapy in clinical practice, including new drugs, devices and procedures. Given the vast amount of key scientific data that has been published since the previous version of the guidelines (2016), it is reasonable to assume that the new document will differ significantly from the previous version.

We would like to invite you to Wroclaw to participate in the online Expert Forum for Central and Eastern Europe and Baltic Area countries. Distinguished guests and heart failure experts have agreed to join the Scientific Board (Prof. Marco Metra, Prof. Andrew Coats, Prof. Giuseppe Rosano). The major aims of this forum is to present and discuss the new guidelines as well as to discuss the effective measures of their further promotion in the medical community and the implementation in everyday clinical practice in this part of Europe.

Looking forward to meeting you online soon.

Prof. Ewa A. Jankowska

Prof. Piotr Ponikowski


31 August 2021; 14:00-16:00 CET

New 2021 ESC guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart failure:
how to implement them effectively in everyday clinical practice?

1. What is new in 2021 ESC guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart failure? Prof. Marco Metra
2. Pharmacotherapy in patients with heart failure. Prof. Giuseppe Rosano
3. Device therapy in patients with heart failure. Prof. Andrew Coats
4. Co-morbidities as key therapeutic targets in patients with heart failure. Prof. Ewa A. Jankowska
5. New (2021) versus old (2016) guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart failure: are they really different? Prof. Piotr Ponikowski
6. Panel discussion.
Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, Prof. Marco Metra, Prof. Ewa A. Jankowska, Prof. Andrew Coats, Prof. Giuseppe Rosano,
Prof. Jan Bělohlávek, Prof. Jelena Celutkiene, Prof. Ovidiu Chioncel, Prof. Mitja Lainščak, Prof. Davor Miličić, Prof. Robert Sepp, Prof. Yoto Yotov

Scientific Board






Brescia (Włochy)

Andrew COATS

Warwick (UK)

Giuseppe ROSANO

Londyn (UK)